Motion Capture System Principles

I What Is Motion Capture

1. Inertial Motion Capture



  • 2. Optical Motion Capture

    (1) Markerless optical motion capture principle:

    • (2) Marker-based optical motion capture principle:

      a. Active



      • b. Passive



        • PerformanceInertialMarkerlessActive Passive Positioning AccuracyLowLow
          MediumHighSampling FrequencyHighLowLow
          HighData QualityMediumLowMediumHighFast Capture CapabilityHighLowLowHighNumber of Objects Captured
          MediumLowMediumHighRange of MotionLargeSmallMediumMediumInterference ObjectFerromagnetic BodySunlight, Heat SourceStrong Light SourceSunlightPortabilityLowHighLowMediumApplicabilityMediumLowMediumHigh

          ② Composition of optical motion capture systems

          1. Infrared Optical Cameras

          (1) Resolution

          (2) Camera Frequency

          (3) Field of View

          Reflective markers are solid spheres without any internal electronic components, thus requiring no power supply or connection wires. Their surfaces are coated with a reflective material designed to reflect light generated by optical cameras. During use, the camera's threshold settings are adjusted to selectively sample only the reflective markers, effectively ignoring surrounding objects.

          3.III Application Scenarios

          1Infrared optical motion capture systems often serve as reliable indoor positioning methods, providing high-precision, low-latency 3D spatial location information for various intelligent agents such as drones, vehicles, mobile robots, and robotic arms. They also validate the accuracy of ground truth for machine learning.




          5 Prev:The main parameters affecting the accuracy of motion capture devices: Resolution and Frequency

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  • Objectives to be Tracked *
  • Number of Objectives (optional)
  • Camera Type (optional)
  • Camera Count (optional)
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  • We are dedicated to assisting you with your inquiries and providing comprehensive information.
    Share your concerns with us, and we will promptly guide you towards the most effective solution.

  • Capture Volume * m m m
  • Objectives to be Tracked *
  • Number of Objectives (optional)
  • Camera Type (optional)
  • Camera Count (optional)
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