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Applications in
Robotic Arms

Robotic Arm, End-effectors, Manipulation, Teleoperation,
Human-Robot Interaction/Collaboration, Obstacle/Collision Avoidance,
Control, Localization, Navigation, Perception, Path planning,
Trajectory planning, Vision, Soft Robot, Medical Robot,
Agricultural Robot, Mobile Robot, Human Body
Robotic Arms Motion Capture Application Banner
Robotic Arms Motion Capture Application Banner

Robotic Arms

Human-Robot Collaboration and Teleoperation of Cobots
Osaka University
Camera Model: N/A Object Type: Robotic Arm, Mobile Robot, Human Arms, Human Hands Mocap Space: N/A

Human-Robot Collaboration and Teleoperation of Cobots

NOKOV motion capture system has been utilized for capturing motion data of cobots as well as human arms/hands to realize Human-Robot Collaboration and Teleoperation of Cobots.
More Cases
Robotic Apple Harvester
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Camera Model: N/A Object Type: Soft Robotic Arm Mocap Space: N/A

Motion of Soft Robotic Arm

NOKOV motion capture system provided real-time pose data of multiple joints for the Soft Robotic Arm, which can further evaluate the control algorithm and end-effector accuracy of the robotic arm.
More Cases
Human-Robot Collaboration and Teleoperation of Cobots
Northwest A&F University
Camera Model: N/A Object Type: Human Arms, Human Hands Mocap Space: N/A

Robotic Apple Harvester

This study provides an innovative approach to enhance the efficiency and performance of apple harvesting robots. NOKOV Motion Capture was utilized to collet data for constructing humanoid harvesting motion model.
More Cases

Beyond Motion Capture,
Expanding Robotics Network

The New Generation Star Project

The NOKOV-sponsored Networking Dinner spotlights selected candidates' achievements via a video presentation.

Star Talk Discussion

Panel discussion with audience interaction and live streaming to over 12,000 research professionals on NOKOV's social media.


Expert interviews offer insights and showcase the achievements of top professionals, inspiring our research-focused audience.

Prestigious Publications
Using NOKOV Capture System

Discover how the NOKOV motion capture system enhances robotic arms research. Visit Related Papers for key publications.

Related Fields


NOKOV Mars Series Motion Capture Camera

NOKOV Mars Series Logo High Performance Motion Capture Cameras

Discover the Mars Series, featuring industry-leading frame rates and ultra-high resolutions. Perfect for advanced motion tracking and measurement in various fields.
  • Up to 26M pixels resolution, 380FPS
  • Submillimeter 3D accuracy
  • Models available for indor, outdoor, and underwater use
Hand Motion Capture Glove

Manus Logo Digital Glove: Precision Hand and Finger Tracking

MANUS gloves enable precise finger and body tracking in motion capture and virtual reality, using sensors for accurate movement and optional haptic feedback.
  • Precise hand and finger tracking
  • Sensor integration for accuracy
  • Haptic feedback compatibility
Camera Digital Glove
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We are committed to responding promptly and will connect with you through our local distributors for further assistance.
Engineering Virtual Reality Life Sciences Entertainment
I would like to receive a quote
Beijing NOKOV Science & Technology Co., Ltd (Headquarter)
LocationRoom820, China Minmetals Tower, Chaoyang Dist., Beijing
Phone+ 86-10-64922321
Capture Volume*
Full Bodies Drones/Robots Other
Camera Type
Pluto1.3C Mars1.3H Mars2H Mars4H Underwater Others/I do not know
Camera Count
4 6 8 12 16 20 24 Others/I don't know

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Contact us
We are committed to responding promptly and will connect with you through our local distributors for further assistance.
Engineering Virtual Reality Life Sciences Entertainment
I would like to receive a quote
Beijing NOKOV Science & Technology Co., Ltd (Headquarter)
LocationRoom820, China Minmetals Tower, Chaoyang Dist., Beijing
Phone+ 86-10-64922321
Capture Volume*
Full Bodies Drones/Robots Others
Camera Type
Pluto1.3C Mars1.3H Mars2H Mars4H Underwater Others/I do not know
Camera Count
4 6 8 12 16 20 24 Others/I don't know